
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Jquery conflict in Liferay

If user my own copy of jquery, no jquery works in Liferay like Drag-n-Drop, Dock Menu, Configuration Actions and many more. If I use the Liferay jquery, all of their scripts work, but none of mine. If both jquery files are linked, all of my stuff works, but not theirs. If I replace the jquery.js with the newest version, none of the jquery works.

For this i have done more 8-hours of investigation and finally got the solution.
I have written noConflict(); for my custom Jquery version and it start working.

Please add following line in {YOUR-THEME}/javascript/javascript.js

 var $ = $.noConflict(true);

This  solves my problem  and both Jquery start working.......

1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    you have more info about it here:

